

Target Molecule Sensor System using Nanomaterials and Nanoscience


This research tries to find the best way to detect target molecules. Most researches are focused on the interaction between nano-material and target particles. To find effective method, the basic applicable physics of nano-sciecne such as 'flow induced energy geration'[1], 'CNTs carbonization'[2] and 'Selective deposition'[3] are mainly researched. This research also try to increase the ratio between signa/noise, so the way to improve the quality of transferred nano-material[4] are also researched.




[1] Kim, J., Lee, J., Kim, S., & Jung, W. (2016). Highly increased flow-induced power generation on plasmonically carbonized single walled carbon nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

[2] Kim, J., Kim, G. G., Kim, S., & Jung, W. (2016). Plasmonic welded single walled carbon nanotubes on monolayer graphene for sensing target protein. Applied Physics Letters108(20), 203110.

[3] Kim, J., Kim, S., & Jung, W. (2016). Selective atomic layer deposition onto directly transferred monolayer graphene. Materials Letters165, 45-49.

[4] Kim, J., Kim, G. G., Kim, S., & Jung, W. (2016). Highly Enhanced Electromechanical Stability of Large-Area Graphene with Increased Interfacial Adhesion Energy by Electrothermal-Direct Transfer for Transparent Electrodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces8(35), 23396-23403.




Schematic of Reference 1.


Schematic of Reference 2.


Schematic of Reference 3.


Schematic of Reference 4.



MSC Lab.4F(#3434~#3446) ID B/D(N25), School of Mechanical Aerospace & System
Engineering : Division of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejoen, Korea, 305-701.
Tel:+82-42-350-3268 l Fax:+82-42-350-5201